Senior Project Blog - Monday 5/13

 Today was a rather long day. Knowing I was going to have an hour of ground school before actually flying today, I prepared myself by studying and filling out some sheets that my instructor had given me the night before for a couple of hours. Following this I headed to the airport, went over how to perform and recover from different types of stalls, and more information about different scenarios in the air and different parts of the aircraft that I hadn't learned about at this point. During the flight itself, we performed two separate takeoffs and landings, practiced turns with a 45 degree bank, turning around a point, and some radio calls that I hadn't performed yet. This was a LOT of new information for one day, so I left the airport feeling pretty overwhelmed. Luckily, my instructor gave me some sheets to go over upon returning home, and I looked over these and familiarized myself with them for a few hours when I got home.

Total Hours today: 7

Total Project Hours: 28


  1. I can only imagine how much information you are processing on a daily basis when we're talking about 7 hour days. Obviously, you've got the study sheets from your instructor, but what other strategies do you have to make sense of and review all the work? Are you debriefing your days with Henry and Ben?


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