Today, I again flew in the same aircraft with the same instructor, and overall, the experience was far smoother than yesterday. Firstly, I had no motion sickness while in the air, which was partly due to the weather. I was able to do a full takeoff on my own today, and made some maneuvers in the air including S-turns and descents/ascents. I was able to have my hands on the controls while descending to the runway for landing, however the instructor took over for that part. There was a lot of information that I was presented with on how to effectively use the instruments and how to do certain maneuvers, so I spent a large amount of time going over this information with my father (a pilot himself) following the lesson. Overall, today was a great day, and I am very excited to continue tomorrow.
Total flight time = 2 hours
Total study time = 3 hours (1 in the morning before leaving, 2 in the afternoon following)
Total = 5 hours
The question on everyone's mind is obviously 'who is showing the most promise early in training?'