Senior Project - May 16th, 2023

Today was a really good day up in the air. Unfortunately, the Cessna plane that I have become somewhat used to flying was out of commission, so I was fortunate enough to be able to use a Piper Cherokee plane. This plane flew significantly more stable I thought, and my takeoff was far smoother than the last few days. In the air we practiced more turns at a 45 degree bank, turning around a point, and practiced the radio calls and flight patterns for landing a few times. Each day I feel that I am getting more and more comfortable with the interior of the aircraft, which I feel I demonstrated quite well today. Tomorrow the plan is to practice stalls and keep working on the maneuvers that I've been practicing up until this point. Hopefully the wind wont be too strong.

Total Hours Today: 7

Studying Radio calls for landing pattern + other ground stuff:

8:30am - 10:30am

Time at Concord Aviation: 

10:00am - 1:00pm

Study at home:

4:30 - 6:30

Total Hours: 35


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